Contra Pfizer

My name is Lothar Schröder, I am German and 45 years old. I studied mathematics and actuaries at Cologne University. After graduation I have worked for several insurance companies as a fixed income portfolio manger. Now I work for a bank.
I am a widower since my wife Monika killed herself three years ago.

My wife took ZOLOFT, an SSRI-antidepressant manufactured by the pharma company Pfizer. At the time she took the drug, the package insert did not warn that ZOLOFT can make people suicidal. I blame the drug for her death, because she loved live and would never have done that. She had so many plans for the future. The medical documents show that it is very likely, that there was a causal relationship between the drug ZOLOFT and her suicide.

The risk of suicide was concealed in Germany by Pfizer until August 2005, when the European Commission forced the pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer to warn about the suicide risk for children and adolescents. Some weeks ago, Pfizer has increased the age at higher risk from 18 years to 25 years. But this is nonsense. All ages are at higher risk from these SSRI- Antidepressants!
Other SSRI antidepressants are Prozac (in Germany Fluctin) and Paxil. They all carry the same risk!
This blog is about these SSRI- antidepressants and CONTRA PFIZER.
It is named after one article by Dr. David Healy who has written a book on SSRI, it is titled “Let them eat Prozac”.
I have decided to fight Pfizer and tell my story to the public.

Samstag, 26. Dezember 2009

Peter Rost Gets A Little Help From The Government


This Blog is from Ed Silvermann from Pharmalot.

For those who may not remember, Peter Rost is the controversial gadfly and former Pfizer exec who is locked in a whistleblower lawsuit with the big drugmaker over his allegations that Genotropin, a human growth hormone, was marketed for unapproved uses, such as combating aging in adults and treating short stature in children. Rost worked for Pharmacia, which was bought by Pfizer.

Although the US Justice Department failed to join his lawsuit, Rost is pressing on and his case is being closely watched. Last year, he cited numerous instances in Indiana and Kentucky in which Genotropin marketing may have violated the False Claims Act. Providing such detail was needed for the case to proceed and his efforts may serve as a template for other whistleblowers who are stymied by federal judges seeking details that are very hard to come by.

Rost showed that is possible to clear rule 9b of the False Claims Act, which refers to fraud claims with “sufficient specificity,” another way of saying a whistleblower must provide very specific info about false claims a drugmaker submitted to the government for payment. This may include amounts charged, drugs prescribed, patient diagnosis and individuals involved in billing, a level of detail that can be very hard to obtain, given patient privacy laws such as HIPAA.

Pfizer has repeatedly moved to dismiss the case, but yesterday the Justice Department filed an amicus brief, stating it “remains a real party interest” in the litigation, even though it chose not to intervene. The reason for its brief was, essentially, to shoot down Pfizer’s interpretation of the Medicaid Act and the False Claims Act. “The United States has a keen interest in the development of the law in this area and in the correct application of the law in this, and similar, cases,” the DOJ writes. In doing so, the government gave Rost a lift, even with a caveat that no position was taken on the merits of his claims (here is the brief).

In explaining its views, the DOJ argues that “summary judgment should not be granted simply because someone other than the defendant submitted the false claims, a prior authorization scheme existed, or physicians deny that they were influenced by kickbacks.” The DOJ also contends that circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prove that the False Claims Act can be violated.

The DOJ rejects several Pfizer arguments. For instance, the DOJ writes that “…the fact that Pharmacia may have caused false claims to be submitted through the actions of pharmacists is irrelevant. As long as the submission of the false claims was the foreseeable result of its illegal kickbacks, it has caused the submission of false claims and is liable under the FCA.”

Pfizer has been arguing that Rost’s lawsuit should be tossed because the drugmaker itself had not submitted any claims to Medicaid that could be construed as false and Genotropin was already listed under state prior authorization programs, among other things.


For those who may not remember, Peter Rost is the controversial gadfly and former Pfizer exec who is locked in a whistleblower lawsuit with the big drugmaker over his allegations that Genotropin, a human growth hormone, was marketed for unapproved uses, such as combating aging in adults and treating short stature in children. Rost worked for Pharmacia, which was bought by Pfizer.

Although the US Justice Department failed to join his lawsuit, Rost is pressing on and his case is being closely watched. Last year, he cited numerous instances in Indiana and Kentucky in which Genotropin marketing may have violated the False Claims Act. Providing such detail was needed for the case to proceed and his efforts may serve as a template for other whistleblowers who are stymied by federal judges seeking details that are very hard to come by.

Rost showed that is possible to clear rule 9b of the False Claims Act, which refers to fraud claims with “sufficient specificity,” another way of saying a whistleblower must provide very specific info about false claims a drugmaker submitted to the government for payment. This may include amounts charged, drugs prescribed, patient diagnosis and individuals involved in billing, a level of detail that can be very hard to obtain, given patient privacy laws such as HIPAA.

Pfizer has repeatedly moved to dismiss the case, but yesterday the Justice Department filed an amicus brief, stating it “remains a real party interest” in the litigation, even though it chose not to intervene. The reason for its brief was, essentially, to shoot down Pfizer’s interpretation of the Medicaid Act and the False Claims Act. “The United States has a keen interest in the development of the law in this area and in the correct application of the law in this, and similar, cases,” the DOJ writes. In doing so, the government gave Rost a lift, even with a caveat that no position was taken on the merits of his claims (here is the brief).

In explaining its views, the DOJ argues that “summary judgment should not be granted simply because someone other than the defendant submitted the false claims, a prior authorization scheme existed, or physicians deny that they were influenced by kickbacks.” The DOJ also contends that circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prove that the False Claims Act can be violated.

The DOJ rejects several Pfizer arguments. For instance, the DOJ writes that “…the fact that Pharmacia may have caused false claims to be submitted through the actions of pharmacists is irrelevant. As long as the submission of the false claims was the foreseeable result of its illegal kickbacks, it has caused the submission of false claims and is liable under the FCA.”

Pfizer has been arguing that Rost’s lawsuit should be tossed because the drugmaker itself had not submitted any claims to Medicaid that could be construed as false and Genotropin was already listed under state prior authorization programs, among other things.


Codes R not us.

American way of life is something else, that includes your justice system and everything else. That is why things change so slowely and with such pain. Look at Obama’s noble goal to give everyone health care in the richest country in the world, how dificult the process is. Here we have a company Pfizer that already paid $2.300.000.000.00 in fines for doing all kinds of illegal stuff for years, including offlabel promo (their routine way to make extra $$) and the DOJ is not going after them on this one. They did it for sure so what is the problem? We all hope Peter wins. Yes he deserves it as much as the other successful WBers.

Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009

Pfizer und das FBI


Liebe Leser,

wenn sie mehr über die Ermittlungen des FBI gegen Pfizer wegen der illegalen Vermarktung von Bextra und Celebrex erfahren wollen und die 2,3 Mrd. Strafzahlung an die US Regierung, so sollten sie hier mal nachschauen :

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009

Pfizers secret Files , Risk of SUICIDE was evident when Zoloft was registered in Germany


Dear Mr. Herxheimer,

you may remember that  3 years ago you accompanied me and Prof. Müller-Oerlinghausen when we visited the Europeam Medical Agency EMEA to read some documents on SSRI antidepressants.

After more than three years I succeeded to get access to the files regarding the registration of Zoloft in Germany at the german regulatory agency BfArM.

My lawyer, Prof. Müller-Oerlinghausen from the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association and I have looked into the files of the german medical authorities and have found documents proving my claim, that the increased risk of suicide was evident when ZOLOFT was registered in Germany in 1996. The data from all clinical trials show that the rate of suicide among the patients taking sertraline was statistically significant higher than among the patients getting placebos or a different antidepressant. Also the death rate in the sertraline group was significantly higher. But the german expert ignored the data and claimed instead that sertraline even reduces the risk of suicide.

I hesitated for some time to give the documents to the press and to the public because the german authorites did not allow me to give them to anybody. But the public has a right to know the facts! The crucial pages are page 50 to 53 of the expert report (page 1-3 of the file Gutachten_1995_03.pdf) and the tables of the listing of all deaths. They show that until 1.sept. 1993  16940 patients taking part in medical studies took sertraline and 0.09% (=15 patients) were suicidal. In the control group of 9016 patients only 0.02% were suicidal (=2 patients). This diffenence ist statistically significant with more than 99 percent probability!

The tables show that among the 46 deaths of all clinical trials 34 patients had taken sertraline and among them 10 committed suicide (9 official suicides and one patients poisioned himself with carbon-monoxide). In the control group only one patient committed suicide.

All these data were ignored by the german expert, a very prominent german psychiatrist, who has written the report. Instead he claimed that Zoloft even reduces the risk of suicide. This report was the medical basis for the german medical agency to approve Zoloft in germany in 1996.

I will keep you informed.

best regards,

Lothar Schröder